What are the G-limits of the Boeing 737-800?

What are the G-limits of the Boeing 737-800?

+2.5G / -1.0G

What is a yaw damper?

What is a yaw damper?

Boots on the leading edges inflate (6 seconds) to break the ice dissipating it into the airflow.

Powered by the gyro pressure system.

Where does a swept wing stall first?

Where does a swept wing stall first?

At the tip

What is induced drag?

What is induced drag?

Induced drag and its wing tip vortices are a direct consequence of the creation of lift by the wing.

Since the Coefficient of Lift is large when the Angle of Attack is large, induced drag is inversely proportional to the square of the speed whereas all other drag is directly proportional to the square of the speed.

The effect of this is that induced drag is relatively unimportant at high speed in the cruise and descent where it probably represents less than 10% of total drag. In the climb, it is more important representing at least 20% of total drag. At slow speeds just after take off and in the initial climb, it is of maximum importance and may produce as much as 70% of total drag.

Finally, when looking at the potential strength of wing tip vortices, all this theory on induced drag must be moderated by the effect of aircraft weight. Induced drag will always increase with aircraft weight.

What are the lift qualities of a swept wing?

What are the lift qualities of a swept wing?

Poor, because the sweep-back design has the effect of reducing the lift capabilities of the wing.

If you have a fire from the engine in the Warrior, what do you do?

If you have a fire from the engine in the Warrior, what do you do?

On the Warrior, I would perform the following items:

throttle closed mixture closed fuel selector off fuel pump off magnetos off (mayday + 7700 if time permits) and check if fire is out heater defrost off batt alt switches off top door latch unlatch seat belts erect secure and make a forced landing

What are the components that make up a fuel plan for a minimum-fuel trip?

What are the components that make up a fuel plan for a minimum-fuel trip?

Taxi, trip, contingency, reserve and extra fuel.

What frequency range and band is an NDB in?

What frequency range and band is an NDB in?

Frequency range from 200-1750kHz, medium and low range frequency bands.

How would you load an aircraft for max range?

How would you load an aircraft for max range?

The position of the CG directly influences the fuel consumption of an aircraft. An aft position of the CG makes the aircraft less stable, requiring less lift to be generated in both the horizontal stabilizer and wings, reducing the overall drag of the aircraft, and increasing the max range.

You want to load the the aircraft so that the CG is at, or as close as possible, to the aft limit (Without exceeding it).

How can you calculate the Operating Mass?

How can you calculate the Operating Mass?

OM = DOM + crew and fuel

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